Before you leave your job to start a new business, it is important to make sure that you have what it takes to run a successful business. It is not for everyone. In fact, many businesses fail because the business owner wasn’t qualified to be a good boss.
Here are some traits that you should have or need in order to be your own boss.
You are going to have to be ready to put in a lot of work. In fact, you may end up working harder and with more hours than you did with your regular job.
You have to be passionate about your business or there is no way that it is going to succeed. Even if you pick the best business model, if you are not passionate about it, you won’t succeed.
You are going to be the only one who is going to make yourself get up and get to work. You are going to be the one who gives yourself tasks for the day and makes sure that they get done. You are the only reason that your business will succeed or fail.
There are going to be days when you don’t love what you do and that is when you are going to have to really be dedicated to making it work. You are going to have to want it, no matter what.
Starting a business can be a big risk, one that most people don’t want to take. However, if you don’t mind taking a risk, owning your own business might be just right for you!
Things are going to change and you are going to have to change right along with them. If a product that you are promoting flops, you might have to call it and find something else. If your clients ask for a new exercise class, you are going to have to do what you can to offer it for them. When things don’t work, you are going to have to be flexible enough to make the changes so your business has a chance of succeeding.
Most people need to be around people. They also need the confirmation of a job well done, whether it is by co-workers or even your boss. However, when you are the boss, you are going to end up spending a lot of time by yourself, with no one to talk to. You are going to need to be comfortable working in silence (or with background noise), with no one to talk to.
If you want to have a successful business, you need to pick the right one. You have to be passionate about it or you won’t be able to stick with it when it gets hard. You also have to be hard-working if you want to grow a business. In fact, you are going to be putting in more work than you ever thought possible, though it will be worth it when you see it grow before your eyes.
However, most people fail because they are not self-motivating. They need a boss telling them what to do and when it needs to be done. If you want to be successful, you have to know that you are the only person who can make it that way!
Contact us to help you start your dream fitness business. We offer a no-nonsense approach to help you get your fitness business started. We offer help with business planning, training programs, hiring processes, and marketing and sales systems so that you can finally have your dream gym.
David Michael Gilbertson is the founder and president of 3 Elements Lifestyle, LLC., a Fitness and Weight Loss company that specializes in YOU!. With more than 15 years of experience owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, David lectures, delivers seminars and gives workshops on the practical skills required to successfully help you with your health and fitness goals. David also helps you build the teamwork, management, and training necessary to open your own fitness center. For more information on Licensing and Consulting Services Visit his Web site at: or email at or call (805) 499-3030.
(805) 499-3030
1620 Newbury Rd #6
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320