From the casual exerciser to the dedicated athlete, there is a pre-workout drink or powdered drink targeted towards you. Among the claims of “increased fat burn” and “muscle fuel” we find ourselves wondering if these are in fact good for us or if they are doing more harm than anything. Do we even know what is in them or what all those words on the label mean? Continue reading to discover the potential benefits and drawbacks of those pre-workout concoctions and decide for yourself the best way to fuel your next workout.
Most pre-workout formulas, whether they be in a liquid or powdered form, have some of the same ingredients in them, each designed to potentially contribute to your exercise experience. Some of these ingredients are as follows:
There are some proven benefits to consuming pre-workout formulas, otherwise, there would not be such a large market for them. One of those benefits is increased energy. With the inclusion of caffeine and carbohydrates, you are bound to feel that pep in your step after consuming your pre-workout drink. The caffeine in your supplement will also increase your metabolism and fat burning ability. You will also be increasing your performance and efficiency. Ensuring you have the proper energy and fuel in your body will make your workout worth your time regardless of your goals. With the proper supplementation in your pre-workout, you will also notice a quicker recovery in your post-workout state. By giving your body what it needs during your workout, you are making sure it does not become too deficient in much-needed nutrients. Plus, all that caffeine and creatine will help reduce muscle soreness.
While it is always a plus to boost your energy and work harder, pre-workout formulas are not for everyone. Many people are exceptionally sensitive to caffeine and consuming the equivalent of 1-2 cups of coffee in one go may make your heart race uncomfortably. This can be very dangerous when you add the increased stress of exercising to your already racing heart. There are still pre-workout brands who use ingredients which have been banned by the FDA and unless you know what you are looking for, even checking labels can fail you. Also, if you are not working out at a very high intensity, there is a chance you could gain weight by using one. Because of the load of carbs and protein in most pre-workout mixes, you need to be sure you are burning off what you consume, or you will be met with some unpleasant surprises when you step on the scale.
There are many things to take into consideration when you are thinking about trying a pre-workout formulation. Weigh your own personal risks and benefits, check labels, and decide for yourself if you are ready to give your workout that extra boost. Keep in mind you may have to try a few different ones before you find the one which fits your specific needs, so start small. When in doubt, consult a professional, such as your primary care provider or a personal trainer.
Stay Healthy My Friends!
Dixon Troyer is the President of Operations at 3 Elements Lifestyle, LLC., a Fitness and Weight Loss company that specializes in YOU! With more than 15 years of gym and club experience, owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, Dixon lectures, delivers seminars and workshops on the practical skills required to successfully help you with your health and fitness goals. Dixon also helps you build the teamwork, management, and training necessary to open your own fitness center.
Visit his website at or email at or call (805) 499-3030.
(805) 499-3030
1620 Newbury Rd #6
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320