Testosterone is a vital hormone for men, but just like estrogen in women, it goes down as you age. This is a natural process that has many drawbacks. In men, testosterone is responsible for hair growth, bone density, proper weight distribution, sex drive, muscle mass, red cell production, and so much more. But did you know that you can actually increase your testosterone levels as opposed to letting them dwindle?
hile there are plenty of testosterone-boosting medications, it is highly recommended that people try natural remedies first. Natural remedies will help to balance out your testosterone levels, meaning your body will work towards making more testosterone naturally. There is little to no risk of creating high testosterone levels naturally!
The following seventeen foods can help men to naturally increase their testosterone levels. Incorporate them into your normal meals or snacks to start seeing results.
The symptoms of your lowered testosterone should begin improving within a few months, although this varies on the individual. If symptoms do not respond to a natural testosterone-high diet, please be sure to see your doctor.
1. Asparagus
Contains vital nutrients necessary to healthy testosterone production. These include folic acid, potassium, and vitamin E. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s a natural aphrodisiac.
2. Cabbage
Contains Indole-3-Carbinol which effectively reduces estrogen, thus making testosterone more effective.
3. Garlic
Best eaten raw, garlic lowers levels of cortisol in the body, which is the hormone responsible for stress. By reducing stress, testosterone is able to work more effectively.
4. Eggs
Contains many key elements in testosterone production. This includes saturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, cholesterol, and protein.
5. Watermelon
Scientists at Texas A&M University have recently discovered this fruit is a natural aphrodisiac, thanks to the way it boosts blood flow.
6. Almonds
A handful of these nuts boosts sex drive in both men and women, thanks to the high levels of Zinc they contain. Zinc is both a testosterone booster and libido enhancer. Cheers! Let’s make almonds the next fast food!
7. Oysters
A well-known aphrodisiac, oysters are also high in the important testosterone-producing Zinc. The legend says the 18th-century lady’s man (Casanova) ate 50 or more oysters for breakfast. You know, maybe he was on to something.
8. Cheese
Also very high in Zinc. The best sources of cheese for testosterone production includes Swiss and Ricotta.
9. Spinach
Proven to lower estrogen levels, this leafy green is rich vitamins C, E, and magnesium. As a bonus, it is also very high in iron which is vital to blood production.
10. Red Grapes
Research conducted at the University of Hong Kong conclusively reported eating a bunch of grapes a day can not only raise testosterone levels but improve sperm motility and make those swimmers stronger. This makes them perfect for men who are trying to raise testosterone levels for fertility reasons.
11. Wild Caught Salmon
Researchers at GrazMedicall University in Austria found that wild caught salmon lowers levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, which renders testosterone useless. This fish is also high in magnesium, vitamin B, and omega-3 fatty acids.
12. Avocado
These fatty fruits are often deemed “bad” by the low-fat idiots. Not true, though. Penn State University researchers found that men who consume a lot of monounsaturated fat have more testosterone and lower LDL cholesterol levels.
13. Tuna
Graz Medical University in Austria has found that Vitamin D can boost testosterone levels by about 90%. Tuna is a prime source of this important vitamin.
14. Pomegranate
A powerful antioxidant which also improves erectile functioning. The best way to consume it is via juice since the fruit can be a hassle to eat whole.
15. Pumpkin Seeds
Another food option which is high in the all-important zinc we keep talking about. This food is easily accessible in fall, and can be roasted in the oven for a delicious testosterone-boosting snack!
16. Pineapple
Contains an enzyme called bromelain, which works to efficiently maintain the body’s testosterone levels. It also carries the bonus of aiding in digestion.
17. Beets
Contains the element boron, which is also important in the creation of testosterone. Boron is specifically important to free testosterone levels.
As a bonus, these foods are also full of plant-based proteins which can protect heart health and many other parts of the body. So, eat away folks! I hope this article naturally puts some lead into your pencil.
Stay Healthy My Friends!
Dixon Troyer is the President of Operations at 3 Elements Lifestyle, LLC., a Fitness and Weight Loss company that specializes in YOU! With more than 15 years of gym and club experience, owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, Dixon lectures, delivers seminars and workshops on the practical skills required to successfully help you with your health and fitness goals. Dixon also helps you build the teamwork, management, and training necessary to open your own fitness center.
Visit his website at www.3elementslifestyle.com or email at dixon@3elementslifestyle.com or call (805) 499-3030.
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